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Conducting clinical trials in primary care

Conducting clinical trials in primary care

This workshop follows the World Health Assembly resolution on strengthening clinical trials, which calls for greater research inclusivity, more research in the places where new approaches are intended to be used, and which addresses locally relevant questions that could improve health and care. We will cover different research designs and traditions, and some novel methods […]

15th Primafamed Meeting 4+5 June 2024

15th Primafamed Meeting  4+5 June 2024

Primafamed held it’s 14th annual conference on the 4th and 5th June with participants from our member institutions and strategic partners. Please find all the presentations and posters down below: Primafamed Programme   POSTER PRESENTATIONS: Bob Mash / Klaus Von Pressentin / Edward Chagonda / Kennedy Ouna / Josemar De Lima / Kennedy Ouna / […]

Presenting powerful posters

Presenting powerful posters

                  During the workshop I will share the advantages of posters. A scientific poster is an excellent way to display your research findings. Assessment as well as useful tips on how to make and present posters will be shared. Prof Hanneke is a Family Physician employed at […]

Implementation research: how to design a study to evaluate implem...

Implementation research: how to design a study to evaluate implementation?

              Implementation research evaluates the use of strategies to integrate evidence-based interventions into real-world settings to improve patient outcomes and create generalizable knowledge. The workshop will share the key principles of implementation research and look at how to design a study using these principles. Lisa Hirschhorn, MD MPH is […]

Principles for success- Facilitating small group learning

Principles for success- Facilitating small group learning

                      This workshop focuses on empowering the facilitator to shift their thinking and teaching methods to being more learner centred in approach, whilst encouraging shared and collaborative learning amongst their learners. We shall look at what the role of the facilitator should be in small […]

An Introduction to phenomenology

An Introduction to phenomenology

                                    The workshop will introduce phenomenology as a qualitative research methodology that is used to explore the nature and meaning of people’s lived experiences – accepting such experiences as complex and multi-faceted phenomena. It will look at the […]

14th Primafamed Meeting 15+16 August 2023

14th Primafamed Meeting 15+16 August 2023

    Primafamed held it’s 14th annual conference on the 15th and 16th August with participants from our member institutions and strategic partners. Please find all the presentations  in the link below: Meeting Presentations and Resources Bob Mash – Annual Primafamed Meeting Bob Mash – The State of the Network Oisin Bates – General Practice […]