Primafamed held it’s 14th annual conference on the 15th and 16th August with participants from our member institutions and strategic partners. Please find all the presentations in the link below:
Meeting Presentations and Resources
Bob Mash – Annual Primafamed Meeting
Bob Mash – The State of the Network
Oisin Bates – General Practice research in Ireland: Potential for collaboration?
Innocent Besigye – WONCA Africa & AfroPHC
Anna Galle – WHOCC on Family Medicine and PHC – Ghent University
Bola Fatusin – Afriwon Research Collaborative
Mpundu Makasa – NORHEDII/PRICE
Martha Makwero – NORHED-PRICE
Louis Jenkins – Workplace-based Assessment and EPAs
Bob Mash/Klaus Von Pressentin – An analysis of original research in family medicine and primary health care in sub-Saharan Africa
Kefilath Bello – The expanding movement of primary care physicians operating at the first line of healthcare delivery systems in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
Martha Makwero – Primafamed Conference
Innocent Besigye – PHC Team integration for comprehensive PHC services in India, Mexico & Uganda
Humphrey Karamagi – A primary health care perspective on African health systems: Implications for education and research