Each of the countries with institutional membership of the network will select one country representative to sit on the PRIMAFAMED Board. Currently there are institutions from 25 countries represented in the network. The Board will meet annually at the PRIMAFAMED conference and will be responsible for strategic direction of the network. Members of the Board will serve for a period of 4-years.



The Board will elect three people to form an Executive. One person must be from West Africa, one from East Africa and one from Southern Africa. Currently the executive members are:

Dr Akye Essuman 
University of Ghana
(elected by Board)

Dr Innocent Besigye 
Makerere University
(elected by Board)

Dr Martha Makwero 
College of Medicine
(elected by Board)

Prof Bob Mash
Stellenbosch University 
South Africa 
(Administrative institution)

Prof Shabir Moosa
University of Witwatersrand
South Africa
(Wonca Africa representative)

Prof. Jan De Maeseneer
Ghent University
(Co-opted member) 

 Administrative support

Stellenbosch University’s Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, South Africa, is currently providing administrative support to the network.